洲本市国際交流協会 会長
原 一雅
I would like to express our sincere gratitude for your understanding and cooperation with the Sumoto International Assciation.
After overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic, we could finally restart international exchange program with County of Hawaii, which is one of sister cities of Sumoto city, and a lot of students interested in this project. In August, we dispatched 13 students, including grade from junior high students to high school students. On the other hand, we welcome the visiting group from county of Hawaii in October. Through these two projects, we felt much closer to each other and realized that we have built up this intimate relationship over many years.
Regarding the language class, one of main projects, we have resumed in person classes. Also, we proceeded with social gatherings and training sessions, same as before.
Even though the depreciation of the yen continues, there is a surge of crude oil and goods prices. As a result, it makes profound effect on our daily life.We will make solid plans and proceed with our projects, while being in this difficult situation.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Kazumasa Hara
Chairman, Sumoto International Association